Clean Room & Nanofabrication Facility
An Open User Facility at Boston College
Open to both Boston College and External Users, this laboratory is home to over 30 high-end micro and nanoscale instrumentation systems worth several million dollars.
Comprised of 1,500 square feet of Class 1,000 and Class 10,000 cleanroom spaces, the lab enables highly sensitive materials and devices to be fabricated free from contaminants. In addition, there is over 2,000 square feet of service and support space. The lab is supported by an air handling unit that completely cleans and renews all the air in the facility every 45 seconds.
- 1500 sqft of class 1,000 and 10,000 clean room space
- 2,000sqft of service and support area space
- 10,000 CFM air handling unit with approximately 75 air changes per hour
- Room temperature between 65-70°F
- Relative humidity of 50-60%
- 18.2 MegOhm deionized water
- House nitrogen (N2) from liquid nitrogen boil off, 35-45 psi
- Compressed Dry Air (CDA) delivery pressure 90-100 psi
- 30+ Capital equipment systems
- Safety eyewash and safety shower inside and outside of cleanroom
- 3 exhaust hoods for chemical work.
- Gowning is required before entering the cleanroom to protect the environment and samples in process. Particulate-free bouffant caps coveralls, shoe covers, gloves, and safety glasses are provided.
- Face shields, chemical resistant aprons, protective sleeves, and heavy chemical resistant gloves are provided for chemical work.
- All high voltage equipment has at least one EMO for emergency shut down should problems arise
- There are no highly toxic gases.
Every user receives training from our staff. The staff is there to assist users in troubleshooting and offer support when necessary.
- State of the art facility and equipment
- Perfect for small start-up companies and colleges
- Easy set-up for new users
- Cost effective/affordable rates
- One-on-one training
- New users must run equipment at least 3 times during daytime operation (9-5).
- Where applicable, reserve equipment before use.
- Use equipment only as it is intended to be used.
- Report any problems to a staff member.
Before orientation, Non-BC users must complete the Facilities Use Agreement for External Users. Boston College users must complete the Authorization Request form. After approval, new users must undergo a training and orientation program before use of the facility. Please contact Chris Gunderson to schedule a time for training.
Please note that Boston College’s terms are NET 30. All facility invoices must be paid within 30 days of invoice date. Invoices that are past due over 60 days will result in suspension of user access until all outstanding invoices are paid in full.
Gowning must take place from the top down. Users are required to put on their cap, hood, suit, boots, and gloves in that order.
For safety reasons, we ask that users utilize the buddy system when working in the lab. When performing potentially hazardous/dangerous operations always make sure someone is in the laboratory with you. When a user is only in the lab observing—as part of the buddy system—that user will not be charged clean room usage fee.
The Integrated Sciences Cleanroom and Nanofabrication Facility has a 24-hour cancellation policy. Please notify the Manager at least 24 hours in advance if you can not honor your reservation. We realized that all projects require a certain process flow between tools, so one problem may throw off your entire schedule. Under these circumstances, the 24 hour cancellation policy would not apply.
Please email Chris Gunderson for any questions regarding cancellation.
Equipment and Rates
General | Internal Rates (Boston College) | External Academic Rates (non profit) | External Commercial Rates |
Cleanroom Use | $32/hr | $32/hr | $60/hr |
Remote Staff Assistance | $100/hr | $100/hr | $100/hr |
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
Scanning Electron Microscope | JEOL JSM-7001F | $44/hr | $44/hr | $105/hr |
EDX (on SEM) | Oxford | included in SEM rate | included in | included in |
Focused Ion Beam System | JEOL JIB-4500 | $45/hr | $55/hr | $115/hr |
Nanomanipulation and Electrical Probing Micromanipulator | Kleindiek MM3A | included in FIB rate | included in FIB rate | included in FIB rate |
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
Mask Aligner | Kari Suss MA6 | -- | -- | -- |
E-Beam Writer (on SEM) | Nabity | $44/hr | $44/hour | $105/hr |
Resist Spinner Fume Hood |
FWS-196-SS | -- | -- | -- |
Resist Spinner (2) |
Cee 100 | -- | -- | -- |
Resist Spinner | Laurell WS-400E | -- | -- | -- |
Hot Plates (2) | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Photoresist Stabilization System | Optical Associates PL-16-100 UV | -- | -- | -- |
Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography (t-SPL) system |
Nanofrazor Scholar | -- | -- | -- |
Direct Write Maskless Aligner |
µMLA | -- | -- | -- |
*If the Heidelberg Nanofrazor Scholar was used for data collection that was later used in any publications, posters or presentations etc., please make sure to acknowledge the support from the National Science Foundation by citing the funding grant with the following statement: “The research reported in this [publication/talk/poster] was supported by the NSF MRI Program under the award number 1S10OD026910-01A1.”2117711"; Principal Investigator: Kenneth, Burch
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
Sputter Deposition System | AJA International Orion 8 | $40/hour | $40/hour | $95/hr |
Benchtop Sputter Deposition | Anatech Hummer 6.6 | $10/run | $10/run | $25/run |
Atomic Layer Deposition | Ultratech | $15/hr | $15/hr | $50/hr |
E-Beam Deposition System | Kurt J. LeskerPVD-75 | $35/run | $40/run | $75/run |
Thermal Evaporator | Kurt J. LeskerPVD-75 | $10/hr | $10/hr | $45/hr |
Sputter Deposition System | Kurt J. LeskerPVD-75 | $35/run | $35/run | $75/run |
PE-CVD | Plasma-Therm Vesaline LL | $40/run | $40/run | $95/run |
E-Beam/Thermal Evaporator | Sharon Vacuum | $35/hr | $40/hr | $75/hr |
Electroplating System | Reynolds Tech | -- | -- | -- |
Atomic Layer Deposition System | Arradiance GemStar ALD System | $15/hr | $15/hr | $50/hr |
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
Optical Microscope (High Power) | Olympus BX61 | -- | -- | -- |
Optical Microscope (Low Power) | Carl Zeiss, Inc. | -- | -- | -- |
Reflectometer | Mission Peak Optics MP100-S | -- | -- | -- |
Surface Profilometer | Veeco Dektak 150 | -- | -- | -- |
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer | J.A.WoollamVertical VASE | -- | -- | -- |
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
ICP RIE | Plasma-ThermVersaline LL ICP | $40/hr | $40/hr | $95/hr |
Acid Etching Fume Hood | Reynolds Tech FWS-196-4910 | -- | -- | -- |
UV-Ozone Stripper | Samco UV-1 | -- | -- | -- |
Microwave Plasma Etch | PVATePla PS-210 | -- | -- | -- |
XeF2 Etch System | XACTIX X-SYS- EXP Xetch | $15/hr | $20/hr | $50/hr |
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
Solvent Cleaning Fume Hood | Reynolds Tech FWS-196-SS | -- | -- | -- |
Critical Point Dryer | Tousimis Autosamdri-815B | $8/run | $15/run | $25/run |
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
Atmospheric Furnace | Lindberg/Blue M 3-Zone Tube Furnace STF55666C | $15/hr | $20/hr | $50/hr |
Oven, general purpose (2) | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Vacuum Oven (2) | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Rapid Thermal Processor | Allwin21 RTP | $5/run | $10/run | $20/run |
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
Bead Blaster | Econoline Abrasive Blasting Cabinet | $15/hr | $15/hr | $40/hr |
Dicing Saw | DiscoUSA DAD3220 | $16/hr* | $20/hr* | $65/hr* |
Diamond Wheel Saw | South Bay TechModel 650 | -- | -- | -- |
Wire Bonder | West-Bond Model 747630E | $10/hr | $15/hr | $35/hr |
Equipment | Vendor & Model | Internal Rates | External Academic Rates | External Commercial Rates |
RF LCR Meter | Agilent 4287A | -- | -- | -- |
Probe/Test Station | Cascade Microtech M150 | -- | -- | -- |
Four Point Probe Station | Jandel MHMP/RMS-AR | -- | -- | -- |
Frequently Asked Questions
A Class 1,000 cleanroom means that you would find fewer than 1,000 particles greater than 0.5 micrometer in size per square foot. A class 10,000 clean room would have fewer than 10,000 particles greater than 0.5 in size per square foot. The lab is supported by an air handling unit that completely filters and renews the air in the facility every 45 seconds.
Usage is open to Boston College faculty and students, as well as external users. You do not have to be part of the Boston College community to rent equipment in this space.
Contact Chris Gunderson, the Acting Nanofabrication Facility Manager and he can get you scheduled.
Contact Chris Gunderson, the Acting Nanofabrication Facility Manager and he can get you started.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is taken very seriously at BC. To enter the lab, all users must have the following PPE:
- Long Pants or an Ankle-Length Skirt
- Closed Toed Shoes (no sandals, no flip-flops)
- Eye Protection (glasses or safety-glasses)
Parking is easily accessible and available to Clean Room users. Please contact Chris Gunderson for more information.
Examples of Work Being Done in the Facility
Wireless communication system via nanoscale plasmonic antennas, J. Merlo, N. Nesbit, Yitzi Calm, A. Rose, L. D’Imperio, C. Yang, J. Naughton, K. Kempa, M. J. Naughton, Scientific Reports 6.31710 DOI: 10.1038/srep 31710 (2016).
Droplet-Tn-Seq combines microfluidics with Tn-Seq identifying complex single-cell phenotypes, D. Thibault, S. Wood, P. Jensen, T. van Opijnen, bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/391045 (2018).
Hydrogen bonding steers the product selectivity of electro-catalytic CO Reduction, J. Li, X. Li, C. Gunathunge, M. Waegele, PNAS, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1900761116 (2019).
Nanocoax-based electrochemical sensor, B. Rizal, M. Archibald, T. Connolly, S. Shepard, M.J. Burns, T.C Chiles, M.J. Naughton, Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/ac402411x (2013).
All-solution-processed micro/nanowires with electroplate welding as transparent conducting electrodes, C. Yang, J. Merlo, L. D’Imperio, A. Rose, Y. Calm, B. Han, J. Gao, G. Zhou, M. Burns, K. Kempa, M.J. Naughton, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letter. DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201900010 (2019).
Arrays of electrically-addressable, optically-transmitting 3D nanostructures on free standing, flexible polymer films, L. D’Imperio, A. McCrossan, J. Naughton, J. Merlo, Y. Calm, M. Burns, M.J. Naughton, Flexible Printed Electronics, DOI: 10.1088/2058-8585/aac8fc (2018).
Label-free capture of breast cancer cells spiked in buffy coats using carbon nanotube antibody microarrays, Farhad Khosravi, et al, Nanotechnology, DOI: 0.1088/0957-4484/27/13/13LT02 (2016).
Cuddalorepatta, G. K., van Rees, W. M., Li, H., Pantuso, D.,Mahadevan L.M. & Vlassak, J.J.," Poisson’s ratio and residual strain of freestanding ultra-thin films", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids.
Cuddalorepatta, G. K., Li, H., Pantuso, D., & Vlassak, J.J. "Measurement of the stress-strain behavior of freestanding ultra-thin films", Materialia,Vol. 9,100502, 2020.
Cuddalorepatta, G. K., Sim, G., Li, H., Pantuso, D., & Vlassak, J.J. "Residual stress–driven test technique for freestanding ultrathin films: Elastic behavior and residual strain" Journal of Materials Research, 34(20), 3474-3482, 2019.
Nanofabrication & Cleanroom Facility
Chris Gunderson
Boston College
245 Beacon St.
Room #005 C
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
617 552 0049